Abode’s Framework for a Successful HR Tech Implementation
Productivity • February 8, 2023

Consider this: the HR tech marketplace is a $400 billion space. With various products and platforms that support hiring content, programs, tools, services, and staff, it’s a number that seems almost incomprehensible. Yet, the market continues growing. Traditionally, HR tech was used for standard, operational processes like payroll and benefits administration, but in recent years, the term “HR tech” has expanded to a wider, more sophisticated range of responsibilities. Sourcing and recruitment, onboarding, performance management, and learning and development, as well as emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) are just some of the new pieces of HR tech that have been introduced to the space. 

As the HR tech space evolves, it’s increasingly more likely that hiring teams will go through multiple new technology implementations and deployments. Introducing new technologies and software can be exciting, yet challenging: successful implementation is not just about selecting the best solution but addressing change management, providing adequate training and support, and involving the right stakeholders. It’s reported that roughly 70% of software implementations are considered failures, but with the right approach, this can be avoided. 

Below, we provide a framework to follow when implementing new HR technology. 

People first, systems second. 

Implementing anything new comes with change management: the process of managing the people side of a project to achieve the desired outcome. Change management is a cultural shift and affects different employees in different ways, so it’s crucial to understand the impact on your people in order to set your implementation up for success. 

Communicate, communicate, communicate. 

Alongside change management comes being proactive. Communicate about the changes that are coming - early and often. Clearly outline what the new software will do and how it will benefit them. Keep lines of communication open so employees can submit questions, concerns, or feedback on the deployment. Ensure you have answers to basic questions such as: “What do I have to do differently?” “What is the implementation timeline?” “When is the go-live date?” “How and when will I be trained?” “What changes can I expect?” “Will this be replacing any of our existing technology?”  More communication = less uncertainty. 

Provide structured training and support

The HR landscape today consists of many different systems: according to a Sapient Insights Group survey, the average organization deploys over 16 HR solutions, a 37% increase from 2020 and nearly 50% more than four years ago. The overall expansion of HR systems has increased over the years as companies continue to digitize and modernize their business operations. Today, the HR tech landscape is crowded, consisting of standalone apps, clunky, manual systems, overly or underlie customized systems, and segmented employee data. It can be confusing for teams who are required to make changes to their daily operations. 

Providing a clear understanding of the value of the software is key, in addition to administering adequate training and support to show how the new software fits into your current tech stack. Within training, ensure that employees who will be using the new software feel comfortable and confident navigating through the platform and can use it effectively to perform their daily tasks.

Put it all together

When considering new technology in your HR suite, keep change management, communication, and support in mind. Use the following checklist to ensure you are being proactive, transparent, and considerate: 


At Abode, we’re aware of and sensitive to the notion of change management. We work systematically with our partners through the transition and transformation of their current processes to Abode’s all-in-platform. We believe our role is to not just implement change, but build in strategies that help teams adapt to change. 

Abode enables companies to create and execute modernized and engaging onboarding strategies catered to Generation Z, the newest workforce generation. Abode’s all-in-one platform provides a place to communicate expectations, facilitate connections, garner feedback, and build a community from the time an offer is extended to 100% productivity. Abode provides actionable insights for early-career and TA teams by giving a complete picture of candidate engagement levels. The platform collects hundreds of data points to help teams understand where and when engagement is happening and how to get in front of reneges before they happen. 

For more information or resources like this blog post, get in touch with our team via the demo form above. 

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