25 Gen Z Stats That All Early-Career Teams Need to Know
Generation Z • March 7, 2023

It’s no surprise to companies and candidates alike that the job market is constantly changing. From the Great Reneging to the Great Resignation, the Great Reshuffle, quiet quitting, loud layoffs, and now the possibility of a Great Rebalance, organizations have been tasked with a lot, to say the least. And let’s not forget, teams are managing these changes alongside the introduction and rapid rise of the newest generation entering the workforce: Generation Z. 

As the youngest, most diverse generation, Gen Z brings fresh perspectives and expectations to the job-seeking process. For organizations, it’s crucial to not only understand these preferences, values, and motivations but to proactively fold them into hiring and retention strategies. 

In this post, we’ll explore 25 key statistics to help further your understanding of the current early-career landscape and how you can start impacting your strategies to make your organization a Gen Z talent magnet. 

Why Gen Z gets frustrated with the job-seeking process

It takes too long. 1 in 2 candidates have abandoned the recruiting process because it took too long to hear back from an organization (source)

They don’t hear back – at all. “Not hearing back at all from a company if you are no longer advancing in the hiring process” is the number one indicator of a negative candidate experience (source)

How the economy is impacting their behavior

They’re aware of their needs.  72% of Gen Z say they are contemplating a career change in the next 12 months (source)

Layoffs make Gen Z feels less secure. 62% of employees say that the recent layoffs have made them feel less secure committing to one employer (source)

But, companies aren’t changing their approach. Despite the uncertainty of the economy, 74% of companies are making no changes to their entry-level programs (source

How Gen Z approaches the ideal job-seeking experience 

They value transparency. 45% of Gen Z believes that full transparency on the next steps and timeline would improve the interview process the most (source

They are optimistic. 80% of Gen Z believes they can find a well-paying, fulfilling, and interesting job (source)

They plan to apply for more jobs at a faster pace. 44% of Gen Z plan to apply for more jobs, sooner because of what they sense about the economy (source). Indicators such as job posting views and application rates show that the class of 2023 is already engaging at a higher level in their job searches than last year’s senior class. 

They rely on advocates and referrals. 62% of Gen Z prefers and relies upon referrals from an employer’s current or former employees as the most-trusted source for job searches. Job boards came in second (56%) while company websites (55%) round out the top three. (source

They are acutely aware of their job satisfaction levels. If they’re not thrilled with work, they’ll bounce. Gen Z is expected to change jobs 10x between the ages of 18-34 (average tenure of just 18 months!) (source)

How to effectively onboard and train Gen Z 

Keep it short and sweet. 63% of Gen Z agrees they’d remember more of their training material if it was broken out into short sessions (source)

Remember their attention span. Gen Z has a reported attention span of just 8 seconds (source). Breaking information down into snack-sized bits is key to keeping their attention and reducing the risk of multitasking. 

Don’t overcomplicate it. Despite their digital affinity, 86% of Gen Z prefer to receive job-related information in a digestible, readable format (as opposed to a phone call or video) (source). 

Humanize your approach. More than 9 in 10 Gen Z employees desire to have a human element in their teams. The development of soft skills such as critical thinking, communication, and leadership is key. (source)

Connect them to others. 59% of Gen Z candidates prefer communicating with their incoming team members (over their supervisor or HR contact) prior to starting a new job (source)

Why will Gen Z leave a job?

They don’t get flexibility, compensation, or career mobility. Gen Z will leave a job over a lack of work-life balance, not being fairly compensated, work they aren’t passionate about, and limited career opportunities (source)

They feel pigeonholed. 70% of Gen Z say they’d look for another job if their employer requires them to be in the office full-time (source)

They don’t get a sense of belonging or community. 61% of Gen Z will quit a job if they felt like they didn’t belong there (source)

They’re not satisfied with a company’s social impact. 57% of Gen Z candidates who plan on switching careers say they’re unsatisfied with their employer’s efforts to make a positive societal impact and 52% say they’re unhappy with the effort in createing a diverse and inclusive work environment (source)

How to best engage (and retain!) Gen Z

Provide an opportunity to contribute. 86% of Gen Z job seekers plan on participating in an ERG or contributing to a company’s DEI&B strategy (source)

Rethink your strict RTO plan. More than 60% of Gen Z prefer to work in a hybrid environment, listing flexibility, commuting, and cost of living as reasons to balance 100% remote and in-office work (source)

Support their mental health. Nearly 9 in 10 Gen Z employees find it important to have mental health days or mental health training (source)

Explain how their contributions matter. Gen Z is a purpose-driven generation and thrives on knowing how their individual contributions fit into the larger organization (source)

Provide career mobility opportunities. 73% of Gen Z said they would stay longer at their jobs if it was easier to change roles internally (source)

Be authentic. For this generation, actions speak louder than words. If you plan on catering your strategies to Gen Z, make sure you follow through: nearly 2/3 of Gen Z believe that companies can be part of an authentic solution (source).


As the newest generation enters the workforce, organizations need to understand their values, perspectives, and motivations in order to effectively hire and retain them. With a desire for transparency, a focus on work-life balance, and a drive to contribute to their employer’s efforts in creating a diverse and inclusive work environment, Gen Z has a unique approach to the job-seeking process. Companies should keep their training materials short and sweet, focus on humanizing their experiences, and provide ample opportunities for Gen Z employees to contribute and feel a sense of belonging. If organizations can continue catering to the needs of Gen Z, they will see improved engagement and retention rates amongst their youngest employees. 

Better position your team to address Gen Z candidates with Abode. For more insights like these, check out our latest research report Working for the Future: How Gen Z is Transforming the Workplace here

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